Online platform for vibration analysis #Post1


Hi everyone! This is my very first blog post and therefore that makes it a good time for the opening speech!

My name is Kiya and to start with, I must admit, I am not a blogger. This is my very first blog post, I therefore feel, it is necessary to introduce myself and the topic I will be writing on.

I am a computer science student at the TU Darmstadt. My blog posts are going to be around the scope of my master thesis, that I am doing with Fraunhofer LBF under their Openadatronik project.

The current working title of my master thesis is “Defining infrastructure of a platform for mechanical vibration analysis”, it is going to last for 6 months . Needless to say, vibration analysis is very important for mechanical systems. Most people with mechanical or one of the core engineering backgrounds would know the very best reasons to perform vibration analysis. However, for those who are still asking why we need to monitor or analyze machine vibration, here is a simple explanation or here are some simplified answers to start with.

Back to my topic, the primary goal is to define an infrastructure for a platform where one can either upload vibration measurement data or connect a service to analyze the data or simply use the data or service on the platform. In order to facilitate that, I have to come up with a data model that can prepare and efficiently store measurement data to a database. Along with that, I have to define a service API, such that services that does vibration analysis can be plugged in to the platform. Those are also the main tasks of my master thesis. The first half of my thesis time will be dedicated to define the data model and the second half on the service API definition. Since my field of study is computer science, therefore, I will have to do a bit more research and probably perform some interviews in order to get a better overview and understanding of the field of mechanical Vibration, the experiments and the generated measurement data.

UFF (Universal File Format) file with data set number 58 is considered to be the standard in the experimental dynamics community. Therefore, I will first concentrate on UFF 58 file format to base my research on data model.

Along with conducting interviews with some highly qualified engineers at Fraunhofer LBF, I am comparing relational database (e.g. MySQL) versus a non relational database (MongoDB), to decide which would be the best option to store vibration sensor data efficiently and also access these efficiently. Good arguments can be made for either, but I will need to decide for one.

I will keep my progress updated by posting every month one blog post for the next six months. I would appreciate every comments and/or suggestions from anyone looking for such platform oriented solution for vibration analysis. If you have any experience with vibration experiments and measurement data and have ideas on how to consider a measurement data ‘complete’ in order to run analysis on such data, please feel free to make your voice heard.

Wish you all a great month with perfect weather, till my next post. Ciao!

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